James Hill and Anne Janelle will be at Errington Hall on April

James Hill and Anne Janelle will be at Errington Hall on April

James Hill coming to Errington

Ukulele player returning to the mid-Island this Saturday

James Hill has made a career as an award-winning ukulele player and songwriter, and one of his next stops is at Errington Hall.

Hill’s latest album, The Old Silo, was released in 2014. The album is described as having an “edginess and swagger unlike anything Hill has ever recorded.”

“The thundering baritone ukulele riff in She’s Still Got It wouldn’t be out of place on a Black Keys album and he grinding slide ukulele in Tie One On would make Jack White proud,” said a press release.

“But it’s not all sex, drugs and ukulele,” the release added. “There are moments of stillness and striking beauty: the haunting strings in For So Long, the intimacy of I’ll Never Know and the country ballad If Wishes Were Horses show Hill hasn’t entirely lost himself in overdriven amps and pounding drums.”

Hill will be joined by his musical partner and wife, cellist Anne Janelle.

The April 23 show is Hill’s second time at Errington Hall.

Tickets are general admission for $25 and can be purchased at Cranky Dog Music, Heaven on Earth and Errington General Store. Creekmore’s Coffee and refreshments are available.

Doors open at 7:30 p.m. and the show starts at 8 p.m.

For more information, visit www.erringtonhall.bc.ca.

— Submitted by Errington Hall

Parksville Qualicum Beach News