Kariton Gallery undergoes Transformation

The Abbotsford gallery's newest exhibit features acrylic paintings and a collection of woodwork.

The acrylic painitngs of Kristen Krimmel join the work of members of the Fraser Valley Woodturners Guild at the next Kariton Gallery show.

The acrylic painitngs of Kristen Krimmel join the work of members of the Fraser Valley Woodturners Guild at the next Kariton Gallery show.

The Abbotsford Arts Council’s next show, Transformation, begins Friday, May 2 at the Kariton Art Gallery (2387 Ware St.).

Transformation features a collection of acrylic paintings by Kristin Krimmel and a separate collection of woodwork by the Fraser Valley Woodturners Guild.

Unusual for an artist, Krimmel became property manager with a large real estate organization to earn a living, but “the eyes of the artist never rest.”

While managing projects, Krimmel kept finding imagery in the ground preparations or the earth-moving equipment such as bulldozers, excavators and cranes.

She liked the macho power of their bold colours in an otherwise grey landscape. When she retired and had time to paint, she wanted to celebrate these machines that alter our daily landscape.

The Fraser Valley Woodturning Guild (FVWG), based in Abbotsford, is one of two woodturning guilds (and the oldest) in the Lower Mainland.

The FVWG is also a chapter of the American Association of Woodturners.

The show runs from May 2 to 27, with an opening reception on Sunday, May 4 from 1 to 4 p.m., when the artists will be present.

The gallery’s hours are Tuesday to Friday from noon to 5 p.m., and Saturday and  Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

For more information, contact the Abbotsford Arts Council at 604-852-9358, info@abbotsfordartscouncil.com or abbotsfordartscouncil.org.

Abbotsford News