KDocs documentary film festival returns

KDocs is back with its second annual film festival, and a reel of provocative, timely and critically acclaimed documentaries

KDocs is back with its second annual film festival, and a reel of provocative, timely and critically acclaimed documentaries.

Hosted by Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) in partnership with the Vancouver International Film Centre, KDocs will bring guests two days of education, engagement and entertainment with six thrilling films, director Q&As and panel discussions.

“The six films we’ll be showcasing highlight six incredibly timely topics,” said KDocs festival director Janice Morris, who is also an English instructor at KPU.

“Our hope is that each will springboard into discussions and action around these issues —whether environmental, economic or social. We really are a global society, and this year’s festival will not only showcase that, but will hopefully show how issues that directly affect others truly affect all of us as global citizens.”

The KDocs lineup includes: Drone, The Mask You Live In, Peace Officer, Food Chain$, Ivory Tower and Fractured Land.

This year’s event will be hosted at the Vancouver International Film Centre and Vancity Theatre, and is open to the general public.

For a nominal fee, guests will have access to the six films and all festival activities, including meals and snacks.

For trailers, details and registration information, visit kpu.ca/kdocs, or follow KDocs on Facebook and Twitter.

Langley Times