Kelowna Art Gallery’s Art Adventures summer camps for kids

Registrations are still being taken for Kelowna Art Gallery's innovative, affordable summer art camps for children.

There is still some room available in several of the Kelowna Art Gallery’s summer art camps for children. Art Adventures camps are available for pre-school children, children ages 6 to 9, and ages 9 to 12. Full-day camps and  morning-only “mini camps” are offered, with activities running Monday through Friday. Art Adventures camps begin July 3 and run until Aug. 24.

The focus of each Art Adventures camp varies, with some camps including off-site trips to artist’s studios, City Park, Waterfront Park and Kasugai Gardens. During the camps, children can expect to develop skills in drawing, painting, printmaking, mixed media, and sculpture, while being inspired by the current exhibitions. Guest artists will be a major part of each of the camps, as they share their expertise with the children to help them develop a better understanding of art.

Some of the camps that may be of particular interest feature professional cartoon instruction, learning about world-wide destinations, performance art, the world of insects, and skateboarding. A perennial favourite is the Art and Grind skateboard camp, which teaches children graphic design skills applied to their skateboard decks and includes a lesson from a professional skateboarder.

Class size is limited, allowing for more one-on-one instruction to enrich the experience. All programs highlight skill-building and self-expression, as well as the introduction of new ideas and artistic techniques.

“We urge parents to register their children for Art Adventures as soon as possible,” says Renée Burgess, Head of Public Programming at the Kelowna Art Gallery. “The late arrival of summer has taken some by surprise, and space in these art camps will fill up quickly.”

For more information or to register your child, contact KAG at 250-762-2226 or online at

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