Kelowna author releases final installment of trilogy

Karen Autio signs copies of Sabotage (the final installment in her historical fiction trilogy for young children) in Vernon.

When author Karen Autio learned there had been a plot by German agents to destroy the Canadian Pacific bridge in her hometown of Nipigon in 1915, it was as if someone had handed her a gift-wrapped plot for her new novel.

This fall, the Kelowna resident will sign copies of Sabotage (the final installment in her historical fiction trilogy for young children) and share some of the fascinating background to a story full of drama and intrigue.

“I write about events in Canada’s history that haven’t had much attention: sabotage and internment in Canada during the First World War, the sinking of the Empress of Ireland, and living in a TB sanatorium,” said Autio.

The author of Second Watch and Saara’s Passage (the first and second books in the trilogy) will also share delicious Finnish and German snacks featured in her third book. Finnish Cardamom Cookies are a family favourite at Christmas, and Autio says she is cracking open her grandmother’s cookbook a bit early so she can share this popular treat with fans.

Autio gives a book signing of Sabotage at Bookland, #100-3400 30th Ave. Vernon, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 19. All three books in the trilogy will be available.


Vernon Morning Star