Kelowna concert to raise awareness of crisis in Ukraine

The Kyiv Symphony Orchestra and Chorus will perform at the Evangel Church, 3261 Gordon Dr., on Saturday, Oct. 8.

Kyiv Symphony Orchestra and Chorus.

Kyiv Symphony Orchestra and Chorus.

Many Canadians trace their ancestry in some way to Ukraine.

Recent invasion, war and suffering in Ukraine leave Canadians wondering; “What’s really happening in Ukraine, How can we help? How can we pray?”

Music Mission Ukraine Canada (MMUC) has been on the front line of ministry during these recent years of trauma and foreign invasion.

MMUC has seen, touched, smelled and experienced the recent horrors, wounds and tears.

Wes and Kim Janzen will bring 42 fabulous Ukrainian musicians from the Kyiv Symphony Orchestra and Chorus (KSOC) to Evangel Church, 3261 Gordon Drive in Kelowna, on Saturday, Oct 8, to share a sacred concert and stories from their homeland.

Franz Mohr (Steinway) said of a recent KSOC concert; “That’s the best sacred concert I’ve ever heard, anywhere.”

This will be the third visit by the  Kyiv Symphony Orchestra and Chorus to Kelowna.

These world class musicians are some of Ukraine’s finest and the concert will feature rich Ukrainian voices and professional instrumentalist in a program of Slavic music —a cappella, hymns, spirituals, sung prayers and hearty Ukrainian folk music.

The orchestra and chorus is under the music direction of Wes Janzen, one of the top choral conductors in Canada.  He spent many years as director of choral activities at Trinity Western University as well as conducting many Vancouver concerts before going to Ukraine.

A unique aspect of this concert will be its intent to draw attention to the crisis in Ukraine and give Canadians insight into both the joys and sorrows of life in that country.

Kelowna Capital News