Kelowna doctor Grant Pagdin (left to right) stands with videographer Vitor Hugo Peixoto, director Laurent Goldstein, producer Jennifer Unruh, and associate producer Bernie Glemas of On a Scale of 1 to 10. The film crew interviewed the local doctor Wednesday, Jan. 10. - Credit: Carli Berry/Capital News

Kelowna doctor Grant Pagdin (left to right) stands with videographer Vitor Hugo Peixoto, director Laurent Goldstein, producer Jennifer Unruh, and associate producer Bernie Glemas of On a Scale of 1 to 10. The film crew interviewed the local doctor Wednesday, Jan. 10. - Credit: Carli Berry/Capital News

Kelowna doctor featured in film

On a Scale of 1 to 10 will be released next fall on DVD

A Kelowna doctor is adding his voice to a recent film on chronic pain.

Director Laurent Goldstein, of Citrus Pie Media Group, was in Kelowna gathering an interview for the upcoming film, On a Scale of 1 to 10, which offers suggestions on how to find enjoyment in life while dealing with chronic pain.


“Instead of being victims of our genes and our belief system, we are all powerful, but we have to change our belief system first,” said Goldstein. “Words are very powerful… the mental and emotional components of pain are hugely important.”

The film interviews health care professionals and aims to help those suffering from chronic pain shift their perspective on how to deal with it. Others are featured including Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. John Demartini, Bob Proctor, David Wolfe, Naomi Judd and more.

One of the doctors interviewed was Kelowna’s Dr. Grant Pagdin, who specializes in anti-aging and regenerative medicine.

“The population is aging… Kelowna is an area that attracts people to come here for retirement and they still want to be able to enjoy outdoor activities and have a healthy lifestyle… So I think there’s a definite need in dealing with pain as it comes up,” he said.

An online chronic pain summit will be held in March, while the full film will be available in early fall on DVD.

A screening of Goldstein’s previous film, Your Second Fifty, will be shown Jan. 30 at UBCO. Pagdin will attend the event, and answer questions with a panel after the film.

The event starts at 6 p.m., with a screening at 7.

Goldstein hopes to inspire people to live life to the fullest with his films.

“I think this film and these kinds of opportunities are important for health promotion and to help people to advance their well being,” he said. “Diet is very important, keep moving, these are some of the little pearls of wisdom.”

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