The rap/hip-hop duo won two awards at the 2020 Western Canadian Music Awards held virtually Friday (Sept. 25) evening. (Submitted/Black Press File photo).

The rap/hip-hop duo won two awards at the 2020 Western Canadian Music Awards held virtually Friday (Sept. 25) evening. (Submitted/Black Press File photo).

Kitamaat’s ‘Snotty Nose Rez Kids’ win big at 2020 Western Canadian Music Awards

The duo won Indigenous Artist of the Year and Rap & Hip Hop Artist of the Year

Snotty Nose Rez Kids (SNRK), the Haisla duo made up of Quinton “Yung Trybez” Nyce and Darren “Young D” Metz, has won big again at the annual Western Canadian Music Awards (WCMA) held virtually on Friday (Sept. 25) evening.

“You know it’s cool to have your work seen. It’s like, the heart and soul that we put into our music and to have that be recognized by events, like the Western Canadian Music Awards, it’s amazing,” Nyce said.

This year, the duo won the award in both categories they were nominated for: Indigenous Artist of the Year and Rap & Hip Hop Artist of the Year.

This isn’t the first time SNRK has won an award from the WCMAs. In 2019, they won Breakout Artist of the Year and they previously won Rap & Hip Hop Artist of the Year in 2018, as well.

Metz said, currently, his favourite song to perform is ‘Cops With Guns Are The Worst!!!’ because of the high energy level and crowd involvement it brings forth at live shows.

“It’s just like, it’s an aggressive song, and if you’ve ever been to a Snotty Nose Rez Kids show, you know that, like, they’re really high energy, lots of crowd involvement, and ‘Cops With Guns Are The Worst!!!’ is pretty much just that. It gets the crowd involved, it gets people, like, hyped, it gets people going, and for us, that’s what our shows are all about,” Metz said.

Nyce said his current favourite is ‘Real Deadly’ for similar reasons.

“Looking back, the last show, ‘Real Deadly’ was another good one. Same thing, like, it’s all about energy curves with our shows, right?” Nyce said. “Our favourite songs, like, the big ones are everything that gets the crowd going.”

The duo said they’ve been working on some new things for their upcoming album, which is scheduled to come out at the beginning of March 2021, but may change depending on how the process goes.

“We had a whole concept for a new album that we’d been working on for the last, like, year and a half and we kind of just, like, squashed it and just went right back to the drawing board, due to, like, certain circumstances and things we’re both going through,” Metz said. “And we came up with a new concept for our new album and we’ve been working on it for the last few months, now.”

SNRK said that, for them, their music is about having pride in oneself and helping heal people, themselves included, through their lyrics and their performances.

“It’s just, like, to have pride, you know? Have pride in who you are, have pride in where you come from, have pride in what you do. You know, we’re just telling our story, you know?” Metz said.

“We continue to grow everyday, not just as artists, but as individuals, as human beings. And we want to help heal people, you know? And it’s like, we’re healing ourselves in the process with this music,” Metz added. “So, whenever you hear a Snotty Nose Rez Kids’ record, it’s always going to be energy. Energy and emotion. Whatever we’re feeling, our goal is to help you understand that feeling.”

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