Koerner Quartet Meets Rolston String Quartet

Maple Ridge's Hezekiah Leung will be playing with the Rolston String Quartet at a concert in Vancouver.

The Rolston String Quartet, from left to right: Luri Lee (violin), Hezekiah Leung (viola), Jeffrey Dyrda (violin),  Jonathan Lo (cello).

The Rolston String Quartet, from left to right: Luri Lee (violin), Hezekiah Leung (viola), Jeffrey Dyrda (violin), Jonathan Lo (cello).

Hezekiah Leung will be playing with the Rolston String Quartet in an upcoming concert at the Vancouver Academy of Music.

Leung, who grew up in Maple Ridge, is a founding member of the quartet.

The quartet was formed in 2013 at the Banff Centre in Alberta.

Leung who has been playing the violin since he was 6-years-old only switched to the viola when the quartet was formed.

He has won top prizes in the Glenn Gould Chamber Music Competition as part of a duo and piano quartet. He was a semifinalist at the 74th annual OSM Standard Life Competition and was awarded the Orford Arts Centre Prize. He recently completed his artist diploma at the Glenn Gould School under the tutelage of Steven Dann and Barry Shiffman.

Members of the quartet include Luri Lee on violin, Jeffrey Dyrda on violin, Hezekiah Leung on viola, and Jonathan Lo on cello.

They have just returned from Germany and France where they played some concerts and won the Durosoir Prize in the Bordeaux International String Quartet competition for the best commissioned work performance.

For the concert the Rolston String Quartet will be performing works by Austrian composer Franz Joseph Haydn when they join forces with the Koerner Quartet who will be playing works by French composer Claude-Achille Debussy.

“We chose (Franz Joseph) Hayden because he was the father of the string quartet. He basically built the foundation of composing string quartet works,” said Leung.

“In his music there’s a lot of character, a lot of humour and it’s very easy for audiences to hear and understand the music,” he continued.

Then the eight musicians will then unite with a performance of German composer Felix Mendelssohn’s Octet.

The concert dubbed Koerner Quartet Meets Rolston String Quartet takes place at 7:30 p.m. on June 5 at the Vancouver Academy of Music, 1270 Chestnut Street in Vancouver.

Tickets are $18 and $15 for students and seniors.

For more information go to koernerquartet.com.

Maple Ridge News