Karlie Shaughnessy from the Southeast Fire Centre (right) addresses the audience as firefighters look on, including photographer Billy Stevens (far left)

Karlie Shaughnessy from the Southeast Fire Centre (right) addresses the audience as firefighters look on, including photographer Billy Stevens (far left)

Kootenay Gallery opens photography exhibitions

Fireline and Exchanging Views will run until November 7.

The Kootenay Gallery of Art hosted an opening for two photographic exhibitions Friday evening.

Fireline is an exhibition of photographs taken by front line forestry firefighters. The display features incredible photographs that reflect the level of intensity the firefighters face in their efforts to control the often powerful and unpredictable fire events. Photographer Billy Stevens and Karlie Shaughnessy, Communications Officer for the Southeast Fire Centre were on hand for the event as well as other firefighters who came out to show their support.

The second exhibit is Exchanging Views, the work of Winlaw photographers Jo Brown and Tom Bradley. Creative partners for many years, they have created a body of work independent of each other yet found that when exhibited together another dimension is added to the stories they tell.

Both exhibitions will run until November 7. The Gallery is open Tuesday to Saturday from 10-5 p.m. with admission by donation. The Gallery is located across from the Castlegar Regional Airport adjacent to the Doukhobor Discovery Center on Heritage Way.


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