Robert Baker, Trail parks and recreation deputy director, says city worker Jenn Daoust is the brains and brawn behind the Kootenays’ Largest Slip ‘N Slide event. Perhaps he just said that to encourage her to fake sliding down the 3,000-square-foot plastic slide that will be rolled out for real (with water) Saturday.

Robert Baker, Trail parks and recreation deputy director, says city worker Jenn Daoust is the brains and brawn behind the Kootenays’ Largest Slip ‘N Slide event. Perhaps he just said that to encourage her to fake sliding down the 3,000-square-foot plastic slide that will be rolled out for real (with water) Saturday.

Kootenays’ largest slip n’ slide promises plenty of fun

Organizers are prepping for the Kootenays' Largest Slip 'N Slide event Saturday at Centennial Park in Glenmerry from noon until 2:30 p.m.

Thrill seekers are about to get a taste of their childhood and then some.

Organizers are prepping for the Kootenays’ Largest Slip ‘N Slide event Saturday at Centennial Park in Glenmerry from noon until 2:30 p.m.

Enter Robert Baker, a grinning organizer happier than a kid who gets to eat his happy meal in a swivel chair and take home a toy, too.

There is no exaggeration here, according to the Trail parks and recreation deputy director.

“This slide is on steroids,” he said. “It’s bigger and better than any slip ‘n slide we had growing up and it makes me feel like a kid again.

“More importantly, it’s an experience that today’s kids, parents and grandparents will remember, especially if some of those parents and grandparents join us down the slide.”

Baker is referring to an over 3,000-square-foot plastic sheet, which will allow for multiple riders at a time, reaching speeds in excess of 50 feet per second. Parents not to worry, there will also be a slide for children under five years old.

“We want everyone to feel like they are at a neighbourhood party so we’re supplying the slide and letting everyone add whatever they want to the event,” he explained.

“I expect people will bring their own BBQ, picnic blankets, bocce or even badminton.”

The community event would not be possible without the plastic-turned-slide donated from Maglio’s Building Centre, soap from Ferraro Foods, water hook up, hoses and sprinklers from the city and many more helping hands.

A little bit of housekeeping: Century 21 and Keystone Appraisals are sponsoring portable toilets; The Alliance Church and Bryan’s Transfer are offering up space for parking; and there will lifeguards on site to ensure rider safety.

The Facebook event estimates there will be over 500 people attending. Baker is working on behalf of the city to introduce unique gatherings that can later be handed off to residents willing to coordinate an annual experience.

The best part about this event is anyone can take a turn – whether it’s a first timer trying to cool the butterflies in their belly or a seasoned rider who’s ready to take a slide down memory lane.

“It’s the feeling of freedom that comes with making the commitment to jump, feeling the wind rush past your cheeks with no brakes and no safety line, then splashing down into a pool of cold water at the bottom – makes you feel alive.”

The slip ‘n slide isn’t the only beat-the-heat kind of event in the works. Water-Rama- “no Bull” is taking place at Gyro Park on Aug. 8 at 2 p.m. (details can also be found on Facebook).

For more information on Kootenays’ Largest Slip ‘N Slide, visit the event on Facebook, where a map of the area, including parking and access points to the park are included.

Trail Daily Times