Two contestants saw away at a large log (Submitted photo)

Two contestants saw away at a large log (Submitted photo)

Ladysmith Logger Sports coming up this weekend

The annual Cops for Cancer fundraiser - Loggers Sports Exhibition - kicks off at 2:00 pm

The sounds of chainsaws and axes will again be ringing out, this coming Sunday, at the Amphitheatre at Transfer Beach.

The annual Cops for Cancer fundraiser – Loggers Sports Exhibition – kicks off at 2:00 pm. On Sunday competitive loggers from the Island and Mainland will be showing off their skills in an assortment of events seen commonly at all loggers sports events.

Events such as springboard chopping, single and double cross-cut saws as well as choker races, log burling, speed tree climbing, and more. There will also be some special events such as “hot saw” competition, kettle boil, grand prairie cut just to name a few.

“We’re excited to have competitors of this caliber showing off their skills for the crowd. Some are Canadian champions and all of them have competed in competitions all over North America and Europe,” event organizer, Duck Paterson said.

“The local Cops for Cancer committee is really excited to be able to put on this show and doing so at no cost to the public” Paterson continued. “We want to be able to have a great fun, family event that all folks can attend. We’ve been fortunate enough from really generous sponsors all the expenses have been taken care of. All that we ask is that folks just make a donation to show their appreciation,” said Duck. “All funds collected are donated to the Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock.”

For 2019 the Tour de Rock has a local rider, again. Cassie Loveless will be a rider this year. In past years Cassie has been a volunteer with the Tour working as a paramedic.

As well as showcasing various logger’s events there will also be a renowned chainsaw carver, Dan Richey, showing the skills that has won him awards at many competitions.

The Ladysmith Fire/Rescue Dept. will be barbecuing hot dogs. There will also be snow cones and ice cream concessions.

Ladysmith Chronicle