Tiana Penner is invited onstage at the concerts by Her Brothers, a Langley band made up of her brothers, including lead singer Gabe, Levi, Josh, and their dad, Jonathan.

Tiana Penner is invited onstage at the concerts by Her Brothers, a Langley band made up of her brothers, including lead singer Gabe, Levi, Josh, and their dad, Jonathan.

Langley band connects with Prime Minister’s equality message

A local band of brothers ask people to think about the women in their lives.

by Alex Skerdzhev

Local pop band and 2015 Langley’s Got Talent winners Her Brothers celebrated and reiterated Prime Minister Trudeau’s recent comments in New York at the UN Women event calling for gender equality.

Speaking in front of roughly 200 people, Trudeau said more men need to join the feminism movement and ensure pay equity, revamp paternal leave to include guaranteed time off and take steps to improve Canada’s record on violence against women, especially indigenous women.

“It’s really, really obvious that we should be standing up for women’s rights and trying to create more equal societies. Like, duh,” he told the crowd on March 16, generating a round of applause.

Joshua, Gabe and Levi Penner, who make up the band Her Brothers (along with their dad, Jonathan on keyboards), were on their way back from a series of concerts in Alberta schools spreading a gender-equal message when they happened upon Trudeau’s comments.

“Hey, that’s our message!” said lead singer Gabe Penner. “As men, we are in a unique position to challenge each other to a higher standard in the way we view and treat women.”

The three brothers, taking inspiration from their little sister Tiana, released their debut album, She, early last year.

At every concert the band brings their little sister on stage and honour her by singing a song to her.

Typically playing in schools, theatres, clubs and community events, the band has been known to ask about audience members’ sisters and mothers as a means of helping its equality message hit home.

“Together, let’s change the status quo,” said Teresa Penner, the brothers’ mom and manager, in a press release. “Let’s make Canada and our world a better place by encouraging one half of humanity to stand up for the other half, for the benefit of all.”

For the latest news about the band and information on upcoming shows, go online to herbrothers.com.

PHOTO: Her Brothers consists of Gabe Penner  on lead vocals and guitar, Josh Penner who handles  as well as vocals, and Levi Penner, the drummer and singer. Their dad, Jonathan plays keyboards. (Penner family photo)

Langley Advance