Country music duo Robyn and Ryleigh are attached to the independent film, Heart of Dance, as composers, singers and actors. Public voting to get the film a screeing at Cannes ends on Wednesday, July 23.

Country music duo Robyn and Ryleigh are attached to the independent film, Heart of Dance, as composers, singers and actors. Public voting to get the film a screeing at Cannes ends on Wednesday, July 23.

Langley’s Robyn and Ryleigh on short list for Cannes competition

Singing siblings involved with score, have roles in 'Let's Make a Movie' contestant Heart of Dance. Voting closes July 23

Langley sisters Robyn and Ryleigh Gillespie have carved out quite a name for themselves in the country music scene, but this time their music is setting the tone for the film Heart of Dance in which the girls also appear as actors.

The film is currently competing in the Let’s Make A Movie contest in which film trailers are voted on by the general public to receive funding and be screened at Cannes.

If Heart of Dance gets the top vote the sisters could be on a plane to Cannes for the film premiere.

With it’s strong message and broad audience range Heart of Dance is projected to have a good shot at winning  if it makes it to a top-five spot via the public’s votes.

Partial proceeds will be donated to B.C. charity Looking Glass Foundation which helps youth suffering from negative body image and eating disorders — the issue at the centre of the film.

Speaking as two young women, in a society that has become far too focused on appearances and the “number” on a scale, the sisters said they feel that the message that Scarlett Bruns brings to light in her story Heart of Dance is important to share.

The film has already garnered plenty of press internationally with it’s lead actress, writer and producer Scarlett Bruns having been listed in the Cannes Film Festival ‘ones to watch’ which annually selects actors world wide that are expected to become house hold names for their strong contribution to the film industry.

Ryleigh already has quite the acting resume, including roles on the CW’s The Tomorrow People and Supernatural and the comedy series Level Up.

“It’s exciting to work on a feature film because the process is different from TV,” she said.

“Film has the ability to tell a story and send a wider message than TV because there is more time to develop the characters, which Heart of Dance does beautifully.”

Last year Robyn, the writer of the duo met with Bruns to lay down the logistics of writing music for film.

“I wrote a song, Help Me With The Break, which reflects the story line and will be featured as the title track.

Writing for film is very different for me as the lyrics and build of the music has to match with what is happening on screen,” said Robyn.

Bruns only has good things to say about the duo.

“They are incredibly talented and each bring so much to their songs. Music is such an important part in the storyline and we are very excited to be working with Robyn and Ryleigh on the film soundtrack and on set.”

Local votes are critical to the film’s success.

The public can view the trailer and cast their vote by email registration until July 23. To vote for the film visit

Langley Times