Last concert of the year

The final performance in the arts council’s season takes place this Sunday afternoon at the First Mennonite Church in Burns Lake.

The final, can you believe it, performance in the arts council’s 2012/13 season, The Magnificent Seven, takes place this Sunday afternoon, at 3 p.m. at the First Mennonite Church in Burns Lake.

Chinese instrumental ensemble Red Chamber plays ancient Chinese string band music blended with bluegrass and jazz fusion.

These virtuosic performers set the stage on fire with hot licks, power and passion. The quartet creates a unique sound, performing repertoire that spans centuries, from the Tang Dynasty (618-907) to modern compositions.

This is an exciting ensemble of masterful musicians bringing a new sound on ancient instruments to the concert stage.

Tickets for the final performance of the season are available, as always, at Process 4 circle arts Gallery, 250-692-3434 and at LDFC Printing and Stationery, 250-692-3309 – and at the door Sunday afternoon.

Check out Red Chamber’s website at:

And now, for this month’s contest. To enter the draw to win a copy of a signed Red Chamber CD, send via return e-mail the answer to this skill-testing question: What is the title of Red Chamber’s CD which contains a fusion of Chinese and bluegrass music?

Send your answer to

See you Sunday.


Burns Lake Lakes District News