‘Laughing Matters’ one woman’s battle


Why cancer?  Why me?

Kymme Patrick of TheatreWorks Centre for Performing Arts asked herself these questions four years ago when she discovered a lump in her throat. Her journey has been heart-rending and inspirational, and now she wants to share her story and promote public awareness about oral cancer.

Laughing Matters is Kymme’s play. Her story is both an intensely personal journey and a public document as it was thoroughly reported in local media.

This single mother, teacher, actor, writer and owner of TheatreWorks in the Comox Valley found herself on an unwanted two-year detour from the highway of her life because of cancer found at the base of her tongue.  She was lifted up by a caring community who rallied her spirits, providing much needed support.

Her ‘trunks-up’ attitude has been inspirational and this show is a way for Kymme to give back through her experience and creativity.

Kymme’s story is a dramatic one, told in her inimitable style with a humorous twist.

Laughing Matters is informative, insightful and courageous; its passionate message is powerfully charged with determination and hope.

Laughing Matters will be performed at the Stan Hagen Theatre at North Island College on Friday, Sept. 26, 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, Sept. 27, at 2 p.m.

Following the Friday night’s show, a public forum will ensue, with a panel that will include oral health specialists who will engage audience members in a discussion of issues raised in this production.

Friday night’s show is sponsored by Pateman, Cloutier, and Matthews Chartered accountants and Saturday afternoon’s show is sponsored by Peter and Geraldine Shostak.

Tickets for this one-woman tour de force show, Laughing Matters, are $20 and available at Laughing Oyster Bookstore (Fifth St., Courtenay), Red Carpet Boutique (corner of Anderton and Comox Ave.) or at the door.

For more information contact theatreworks@shaw.ca.


Comox Valley Record