Learn all about home energy efficiency at Green Home show

The public is invited to attend an upcoming Green Home Show to learn more about energy efficiency.

The public is invited to attend an upcoming Green Home Show to learn more about home energy efficiency opportunities.

Whether you are building, renovating or buying, the Green Home Show will connect you with locally available resources and services for renovating homes that prioritize energy efficiency, cost savings, and comfort. The Green Home Show events are free to the public, and all ages are welcome. Dessert and refreshments will be served. No registration is required.

The Green Home Shows are being held as follows:

Wednesday, April 4, 6 to 8 p.m. – Creston, Creston & District Community Complex, 312 – 19th Ave., N.

Thursday, April 5, 6:00 to 8:00 pm – Castlegar, Castlegar & District Community Complex, 2101 6th Ave.

The Green Home Shows are facilitated by Trish Dehnel, Senior Energy Specialist at the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK), sponsored by FortisBC and enabled by the Community Energy Association. The events will feature local businesses and services that focus on home energy efficiency. There will also be a complete set of model wall-assemblies, available to demonstrate possible combinations of construction and insulation techniques for improved building performance.

Following the Green Home Shows is a professional builders’ workshop in Castlegar on Friday, April 6, from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Castlegar & District Community Complex. In this interactive workshop, building science expert Hamid Heidarali, and Energy Advisor Gerry Sawkins will present a holistic perspective on high performance builds, particularly in the context of the BC Energy Step Code. The discounted early-bird registration rate is $85 until noon on March 22, after which the fee will be $110. The workshop is pre-approved for 6 continuing professional development (CPD) credits from BC Housing.

“When it comes to improving the energy efficiency of a building, the building envelope should be given the first attention, and this is the spirit of the newly introduced BC Energy Step Code,” said lead instructor Hamid Heidarali. “The builders’ workshop will demonstrate how a holistic approach can help achieve an optimum balance between thermal performance, moisture management, thermal comfort, long-term durability, etc. Thinking holistically is the only reliable way to achieve the long-term satisfactory performance of a building as a whole.”

These events build off of the success of a similar initiative in the East Kootenay. Builders in the Kootenay region have identified distance as an obstacle to their continuous improvement, because most training is offered outside of the region, often in the Lower Mainland. These made-in-the-Kootenays initiatives provide high-calibre, hands-on instruction available locally through funding from partners like BC Hydro and Fortis BC, and support from the Regional Districts.

For more information on the Green Home Shows, see the RDCK website: http://www.rdck.ca/EN/meta/news/news-archives/2018-news-archive/green-home-shows-coming-to-the-west-kootenay.html

For more information and to register for the builders’ workshop on April 6th in Castlegar, go to the Eventbrite site: https://castlegar-builder-workshop-2018.eventbrite.ca Brought to you by the RDCK Energy Specialist in partnership with: the Regional District of Central Kootenay, FortisBC, and the Community Energy Association.

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