Learn to drip, splatter, fling and smear

The Campbell River Art Gallery invites the public to register for a painting workshop designed to free your mind and have fun with paint

The Campbell River Art Gallery invites the public to register for “Abstract Painting with Mary Deveau,” a painting workshop designed to free your mind and just have fun with paint.

“Abstract Painting with Mary Deveau” will run Wednesdays, Sept. 23, Sept. 30, Oct. 7 and Oct. 21 from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the Campbell River Art Gallery studio. Deveau says the class is simply about painting, which includes creative mark making, abstracting forms, colour theory and more.

A series of exercises will encourage painting intuitively, letting go of outcome and being open to change and surprise.

Participants will be using techniques that will introduce spontaneity – like painting to music, dripping, splattering, flinging and smearing – all to free up the mind to make non-objective art.

The class costs $120 for Campbell River Art Gallery members and $140 for non-members. Space is limited, so don’t delay in registering. For more information, contact the Art Gallery at 250-287-2261 or email curator@crartgallery.ca


Campbell River Mirror