Nelsonites Liam Long (left) and Eli Geddis are hosting the 18th annual lip sync contest at the Capitol Theatre on March 7. Registration for auditions is open until Friday, February 13.

Nelsonites Liam Long (left) and Eli Geddis are hosting the 18th annual lip sync contest at the Capitol Theatre on March 7. Registration for auditions is open until Friday, February 13.

Lip sync contest returns to Capitol

Eli Geddis and Liam Long will host 18th annual event, audition registration open until Feb. 13.

When the 18th annual Big Lip Sync Contest returns to the Capitol Theatre on March 7, literally anyone in the community could potentially end up onstage, and that’s the whole point.

“You don’t have to be Mariah Carey or Barbara Streisand or William Hung. All you have to be able to do is move your mouth,” said Eli Geddis, who will co-host the evening with Liam Long.

The pair said the event, which is returning after a multi-year hiatus, is a great event and a fabulous opportunity to fundraise for the theatre.

“When someone has a really put together skit, I think it’s the funniest thing. I wanted to host it while it was still running, but the year I went to sign up they stopped doing it,” said Long.

Long and Geddis are currently looking for community members to audition. They’re hoping to include 20 acts total, for a running time of about two hours.

“We’re going to keep things snappy, keep things running quick. It will be fun.”

Both Long and Geddis have long histories with the Capitol, having appeared in multiple productions.

When they found out the lip sync was returning, they “begged” executive director Stephanie Fischer to give them the gig. Long had hosted other talent shows, and after being the voice of L.V. Rogers’ morning announcements, he knew the event would be a blast.

“For me the Capitol’s so huge in Nelson history, and it’s had a big impact on my life. I’ve learned it’s something I’m going to go to school for, is acting.”

Long is applying to both UVic and Studio 58.

Geddis said he’s similarly thrilled. Most recently he appeared as Mother Goose in the annual pantomime, and he said having the ability to express his creativity and take on different identities onstage is a big deal to him.

“The Capitol is just a fantastic place to let everything else go. You can be a different person here,” he said.

As for the event, he said audiences won’t be disappointed.

“It’s going to be big. We’ve got super secret stuff prepared. We’re basically the Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett of Nelson,” said Geddis.

But which one is which?

“You’ll have to come to the show to find out.”

There will be categories for youth solo, youth group, adult solo, and adult/family group. There will be cash prizes for first, second and third.

Tickets for the March 7 event will cost $15 for adults, $45 for a family (of four) and $10 for youth up to the age of 16.

To register, call 250-352-6363 or visit

Nelson Star