Comedian Byron Bertram performs in White Rock Oct. 16 and 17 in a touring show presented by Yuk Yuk’s Stand Up Comedy Club. Contributed photo

Comedian Byron Bertram performs in White Rock Oct. 16 and 17 in a touring show presented by Yuk Yuk’s Stand Up Comedy Club. Contributed photo

Live, distanced comedy at White Rock Playhouse

Yuk Yuk's tour features four stand-up comedians

A tour presented by Vancouver’s Yuk Yuk’s Stand Up Comedy Club will touch down for two live, physically-distanced, limited-audience shows at the White Rock Playhouse this week (Friday, Oct. 16 and Saturday, Oct. 17, 8 p.m. each night).

Headlining the show will be Byron Bertram, who, as a Canadian comedian, received international recognition – and praise from the judges – when he appeared on Britain’s Got Talent.

A talent for voices and accents has secured Bertram gigs with such name acts as Zach Galifinakis, Eddie Izzard and New Zealand comedy duo Flight of the Conchords.

Also featured will be Vancouver-based comedian Larke Miller, a former finalist in NBC’s Last Comic Standing, whose soft-spoken, feminine style of delivery belies provocative zingers of observational comedy.

Dion Arnold has built a career based on self-deprecating humour that has won him accolades at the Brighton Fringe Festival (England), the Galway International Fringe Festival (Ireland) and Edmonton’s Next Fest and International Fringe Festival – and also secured him an album with Comedy Records and broadcasts on SiriusXM.

Rounding out the show will be the comedy of Vancouver’s Robert Peng, a self-described ‘nerd’ who has won featured spots at regional comedy clubs as well as making it into the semi-finals of the Seattle International Comedy Competition.

Tickets ($32.50) are available at or call the box office 604-536-7535.

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