Living a fuller life, later in life

Women who have, for many years, “put themselves at the back of the bus” in terms of priority, find challenges in putting themselves first.

Women who have, for many years, “put themselves at the back of the bus” in terms of priority, often find challenges in putting themselves first later in life.

Doing that is them subject of two focus groups taking place Wednesday, June 27, one from 9 a.m. to noon and the other from 6 to 9 p.m.

Kathleen Seeley, and two others are co-authoring a book called  Good Food, Good Wine, Good Sex.

“One of my co-authors has been married for 30 years, I just ended my 19-year marriage, and the other one has been in a 15-year marriage challenged by raising kids and managing a high-profile career,” says Seeley, who works with corporate leadership teams and with Jack Canfield, co-creator of the Chicken Soup series of books.

The women discovered that although their circumstances are very different, their dreams, desires and inner conflicts are very similar.

“Our book is about what women have to give up, what we have to say good-bye to, in order to have a passionate and sensual life filled with aliveness and presence – things like, obligation, self-judgment, poor body image, blame.

Seeley says technical information will be written by a professional, but the three women will gather stories from other women, connect them and give real practical advice and information in the book she promises will be fun, lighthearted and honest.

“Women are questioning themselves about what they’re going to do with the second half of life,” Seeley says. “In all the literature, nothing really deals with all the issues.”

If you are interested in participating, e-mail or call her at 250-832-2245.

Salmon Arm Observer