Local author releases e-book

The book can be downloaded on an e-reader or onto your computer

Comox Valley writer Denise Sevier Fries has just launched her new novel Parca’s Forsaken on the popular e-book website Smashswords.

It is an adult novel, recommended for 18 and older, which deals with contemporary issues like blogging and family relationships. The follow is a short description:

“What if the first time you met you mother was on her blog? Meeting without meeting. This is the journey of two women separated by circumstance, who have a chance to reunite. But is it too late?”

You can find this e-book at www.smashwords.com/books/view/220931 or Google the word Smashwords, which will take you to the website where you can type in the author’s name to buy the book.

The book can be downloaded on an e-reader or onto your computer.

— Denise Sevier Fries


Comox Valley Record