Local explorer shows expedition documentary in Fernie

Join Bernice Notenboom, explorer, climate journalist and her team on their kayak expedition to Timbuktu in Mali, Africa.

Sunday January 22nd 7:30 at the Arts Station

Join Bernice Notenboom, explorer, climate journalist and her team on their kayak expedition to Timbuktu in Mali, Africa. Their 750 km journey on the Bani and Niger Rivers tells the story of local tribes – Fulani, Bozo, Tuareg – surviving a rapidly changing climate and their own adaptation methods to a less predictable future. Follow their 2 month long journey as they paddle the bloodline of the Sahel in one of the harshest environments in the world.

THE NIGER: A RIVER UNDER SIEGE a first rate adventure and irresistible journey of exploration into resilience, adaptation and optimism of visionary farmers, fishermen and herders who are preparing for a more extreme climate.

The Free Press