Local fimmaker fundraising for new project

The short horror/thriller film will showcase the Teague House in Yale

The Teague House in Yale will be the backdrop for a new short film by Brodi-jo Scalise called The Vessel.

The Teague House in Yale will be the backdrop for a new short film by Brodi-jo Scalise called The Vessel.

The Teague House will be featured in a new short film by Brodi-jo Scalise.

Scalise is directing The Vessel with a crew of about 20 people in early March at the historic site in Yale. The Teague House was built in 1864 and is currently run as a B&B by Fraser River Rafting. Scalise is in his last semester of filmmaking studies at Capilano University and felt it would be the ideal location for his final project.

The Vessel is a horror/thriller set in 1906 which follows Mary, a pregnant widow, who is plagued by visions of her dead husband until late one night when an unexpected guest arrives and offers her a solution.

Mary soon realizes that these terrifying visions may stem from the life which grows inside of her, which forces her to make the ultimate decision. Scalise said the film’s tone is a mixture of “Rosemary’s Baby” and “The Others.”

Scalise, a Hope Secondary School grad, has been drawn to filmmaking since discovering his grandma’s old VHS camcorder when he was eight years old. He started making short films and screening them with family around the TV, which eventually sparked his passion for entertaining people. Last year, Scalise produced the web series “Stories from the Thunderbird” for the Hope & Area Transition Society.

“I really like making people feel something from watching a story or being entertained by something,” he said.

Scalise is currently trying to raise funds to cover the costs associated with filming on location in Yale and entering The Vessel into a variety of international film festivals. He’s set up a fundraising website at http://igg.me/p/293563/x/1907085 and so far has raised $542 of his $2,500 goal. Funds can be contributed to the project online until Feb. 8.

For more information on the film, visit http://www.facebook.com/vesselshortfilm.

Hope Standard