Vancouver Island Regional Library celebrates Freedom to Read Week.

Vancouver Island Regional Library celebrates Freedom to Read Week.

Local libraries celebrate Freedom to Read Week

Challenged books will be displayed at local libraries.

The Vancouver Island Regional Library will be celebrating Canadians’ freedom to read next week.

Nanaimo-area libraries will be holding a number of events next week in honour of Freedom to Read Week, which runs from Feb. 22-26.

According to Natasha Bartlett, Vancouver Island Regional Library’s communication officer, Nanaimo branches will be putting out displays of challenged books by local authors.

“Vancouver Island Regional Libraries, like a lot of libraries across the nation celebrate Freedom to Read Week … to bring awareness to the fact that Canadians should have a right to decide for themselves what they choose to read,” Bartlett said.

There will be a screening of The Interview, which was banned from movie theatres last year, at the Nanaimo North Library on Feb. 26.

For a full list of Freedom to Read Week events at local library branches, please visit

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Nanaimo News Bulletin