Craig Cardiff plays Char's Landing on Sunday, March 9 at 8 p.m.

Craig Cardiff plays Char's Landing on Sunday, March 9 at 8 p.m.

Love before first sight

Craig Cardiff hasn’t even been to Port Alberni yet but he’s fallen in love sight unseen.

Craig Cardiff hasn’t even been to Port Alberni yet but he’s fallen in love sight unseen.

The 38-year-old folk singer-singer songwriter, who will be bringing his guitar for a one-man show at Char’s Landing on Sunday, March 8, is in love with the idea of the 102-year-old restored church.

“I’m in love with it already, I’m never going to leave.”

The Ontario-based artist is excited to play in such an intimate setting.

“The idea is to create a place where people can come listen to music,” he said.

For Cardiff, those places have been interesting at times.

“One of the first house concerts was in the smallest bachelor apartment in Kitchener, Ontario and the wall behind where I was performing was covered in Maxim magazine wallpaper.”

While Cardiff has clearly played a variety of venues and loved them all, a beautiful setting makes it all the better, he says.

But unfortunately for all future venues, Cardiff’s already played his dream show.

“I played my daughter’s Grade 2-3 class during their Christmas concert. I formed a band called Rock’n’roll and it was the most amazing thing ever.”

While there was a slight interruption—a kid vomited just before the show began—it’s a memory Cardiff will hold dear forever.

Plus, the kid cleaned up and went on with the show.

“It was awesome.”

Playing dates all across the country is a dream come true for Cardiff.

“I was in Grade 10 and I saw this girl play a cover and I remember falling in love with the idea of playing music.”

Cardiff loves the freedom playing music gives him.

“Being able to wrap around all these feelings and say all these things…over coffee it would be weird.”

But on stage the music and the feelings are magical.

Port Albernians can see that magic on Sunday, March 8 at 8 p.m. at Char’s Landing.

Advanced tickets  are $20 at Char’s Landing, Gayle’s Fashions and the Rollin Art Centre. Tickets at the door are $25 (no Club Char passes will be accepted).

Alberni Valley News