Lucas Myers will be performing as Randy the Redneck at The Island on May 24.

Lucas Myers will be performing as Randy the Redneck at The Island on May 24.

Lucas Myers set to present Randy the Redneck to Golden

Randy the Redneck is coming to Golden and he’s looking to change your perception of rednecks everywhere.

Randy the Redneck is coming to Golden and he’s looking to change your perception of rednecks everywhere.

Randy is the creation of Nelson comedian Lucas Myers. The character made appearances in a few of Myers’ previous shows, including Deck and Hello Baby (both of which he performed in Golden).

This is Randy’s first solo venture.

“I finally just thought it was time to give him his own show and let him say what he has to say,” Myers laughed.

He’ll be hoping to break down some misconceptions on rednecks and redneck lifestyle.

“The concept behind the show is that he wants to reclaim the term redneck. Randy feels that it has become disparaged and has taken on a negative connotation of bigoted, conservative, racist people.” Myers said.

The show is much closer to a traditional stand-up performance compared to Myers’ previous shows and will feature plenty of Myers’ unique brand of observational humour, but he does mix in some music as well.

Myers has drawn influences from Canadian sketch comedy group Kids in the Hall as well as Steve Smith, best known for his work as the bumbling do-it-yourself title character on the The Red Green Show.

“(Red Green’s) good because he is kind of the benevolent version of the redneck,” Myers said.

When writing Randy’s show, Myers felt it was important to centre the humour around things that everyone experiences, and then finding a specific angle to it.

“For example, Randy going to physiotherapy and his perspective on that. A lot of people have experienced physiotherapy before but then to have somebody like Randy go to that, and hear his take on it…I think the more personal you get and the more specific you get, the more the humour comes out,” Myers said.

Myers will be performing upstairs at The Island Restaurant on May 24. Tickets are $10 at the door and the show will start at 8 p.m.


Golden Star