Manitoban duo bring their songs to Fernie

Two Manitoban musicians, Carly Dow and Madeleine Roger, will be playing a show on Feb. 25 at Infinitea in Fernie.

Carly Dow and fellow folk inspired singer/songwriter Madeleine Roger will be coming to the Infinitea T-Bar and Boutique on Feb. 25.

Carly Dow and fellow folk inspired singer/songwriter Madeleine Roger will be coming to the Infinitea T-Bar and Boutique on Feb. 25.

Two Manitoban musicians will be playing a show on Feb. 25 at Infinitea in Fernie. Carly Dow and fellow songwriter Madeleine Roger both grew up in Winnipeg and are excited to bring their songs to the mountains.

Dow’s describes her sound as “wildcrafted soul-folk” her website describes it as a blending of inspiration from wordsmiths Gillian Welch and Amelia Curran, with an edge reminiscent of Neko Case.

Roger describes her music as “Folk-inspired storytelling. For me, it’s all about the songs, melody, and imagination.” She usually plays with her twin brother under the name Roger Roger.

Carly Dow has been playing music since she was a teenager.

“I’ve always had a love of words and writing, but it wasn’t until I was 15 that I started playing guitar. I worked up the nerve to perform in front of people shortly after, and nothing has been the same ever since,” said Dow.

Madeleine Roger started her performance lifestyle at an earlier age and transitioned into music more recently.

“I’ve been performing as an actor and singer since I was about 6 years old, but when I started playing guitar in my early 20s I completely abandoned the pursuit of theatre in exchange for songwriting and music,” said Roger

While both musicians grew up in Winnipeg they have spent a lot of time in rural areas and these areas have had an effect on their music.

“I grew up in Winnipeg, which has an incredible music scene – it was a huge factor in the growth of my musical career.

I’ve recently moved to a piece of property in the woods near Riding Mountain National Park, which is very influential in my sound,” said Dow. “I love where I live. My natural surroundings have always crept into my songs, whether it be imagery in lyrics or the starkness and feel of Manitoba’s wild spaces.”

“I also grew up in Winnipeg, perfectly on the edge of town where the last house met the forest and the farmers’ fields,” said Roger. “I’ve never felt like a country kid or a city kid, but somewhere in between. We spent every summer out at our cabin in the Whiteshell that was built by my Great-Grandfather, and I do a lot of my writing out there. It’s a very tranquil and empty place.”

This will be their first time stopping in Fernie to play their music.

“I haven’t played in Fernie. Fernie is a place where my music is brand new, and it’s important to reach out to areas we haven’t played before.  And let’s face it, I really also want to do some skiing in the mountains,” said Dow.

“I’ve been through on a few road trips, but not since I was a teenager. It’s definitely time to explore. I also want to go skiing, I’ll try not to break anything,” said Roger. The musicians look forward to their upcoming show at Infinitea. They are set to play the T-Bar and Boutique on Feb. 25 at 8 p.m. there will be no cover to enter the event however donations will be accepted.

“We’re stoked to meet some new friends and share our songs,” said Dow.

“Come hang out. I need more mountain buddies, we need to hear about where to go exploring,” said Roger.



The Free Press