Many seasonal concerts planned

With the holiday season in full swing, the number of cultural offers is just as plentiful as you’d hope.

With the holiday season in full swing, the number of cultural offers out there for those who enjoy all that the season has to offer is just as plentiful as you’d hope.

And, if Christmas music happens to be one of those things that you really enjoy about this time of year, then you’re in luck.

There’s a great trio of Christmas concerts coming up here over the next week or so in Summerland—and I’m sure there’s actually more, these are just the three that have been brought to my attention—and they’re sure to offer a little bit of something for everyone.

The music begins on Friday, Dec. 6 at 2 p.m. when the Penticton Tune-Agers take their show on the road for a performance here in Summerland.

The Tune-Agers, for those who may not know, are a choral and orchestral group based out of Penticton who perform regularly around the area. Their upcoming concert at the Summerland United Church is entitled “Christmas Time is Here” and features a mixture of choral and orchestral pieces. Tickets are available at The Beanery in Summerland.

The next pair of shows featuring a cavalcade of Christmas music starts on Saturday, Dec. 12 with Musaic Vocal Ensemble’s Christmas concert “Yule-Tide Fires.” The Musaic Vocal Ensemble calls Summerland home, but their members come from up and down the valley, with folks coming down from Kelowna and up from Oliver to create music.

For “Yule-Tide Fires” Musaic will be accompanied by piano, drums and violin and promises to be a great show. Tickets for this show are available at James on Kelly and the show itself starts at 2:30 p.m. at St. John’s Lutheran Church.

For those who just can’t get enough Christmas music, the Summerland Singers and Players have you covered with their performance of “A Christmas Pudding” on Sunday, Dec. 13.

The show takes place at the Summerland United Church, whose choir will also be the featured carol singers for the performance.

Tickets for this event are available at the Summerland United Church and also from the Summerland Community Arts Centre and the action starts at 7:30 p.m.

It’s great to see such a variety of options available for audiences here in Summerland, whether it be local talent from right here in town, to choirs and ensembles who bring their shows to us.

It’s important to remember to get out there and fill those seats, so that those who brought their performances here, know we’re a town worth visiting and so that those local groups feel encouraged to resist the urge to relocate elsewhere.

There’s nothing quite like a local choir singing the songs of Christmas to bring out the best in people.

Douglas Paton is a Summerland writer and musician. If you know of a local arts and culture event, contact him at


Summerland Review