Maple Ridge teen One Direction’s No. 1 fan

Maple Ridge teen Ria Diy hopes her video convinces the U.K. boy band to tour Vancouver

Ria Diy’s cover of One Direction’s Moment is featured on the band’s website,

Ria Diy’s cover of One Direction’s Moment is featured on the band’s website,

Ria Diy is pretty sure she’s the most avid fan of U.K. boy band One Direction – at least in Canada.

Her voice gets high pitched and breathless just speaking about the dreamy quintet, who are managed by Simon Cowell.

“I saw them on X-Factor last year and I instantly fell in love with them” says 14-year-old Diy, who channelled her passion for 1D into a video that now featured on the band’s website.

The Thomas Haney secondary student sings One Direction’s song Moment in her fan video that begins with a plea for the band to tour Vancouver.

She plans to tempt the boys to the West Coast with poutine and honey garlic chicken.

“I know Niall – who is my favourite – really likes chicken,” says Diy.

Diy aced the first five challenges One Direction put out to their fans and was thrilled to put her talents to use for challenge six.

She learned the chords to ‘Moment’ and took three days to record, film and edit the video for the song, with help from her dad, mom and older sister.

When she found out her video was one of seven posted on the band’s website, Diy was ecstatic.

“I was checking the website everyday,” says Diy, who has been singing since she was six and performs on FYE Live! – a Filipino variety TV show that airs on Shaw Multicultural Channel.

“What if they know who I am? That I’m breathing. What if they heard me sing?”, says Diy, who can’t fathom the boys from 1 D  know she exists.

“My dream is to sing with them,” she says.


• Ria Diy’s video is one of seven feature on the band’s website. You can also hear her on her YouTube channel.

Maple Ridge News