Mark Perry's Smithers album release concert is Saturday. (Marie Perry photo)

Mark Perry's Smithers album release concert is Saturday. (Marie Perry photo)

Mark Perry’s 11th album release tour

Mark Perry is travelling the province to celebrate the release of his new album, Right Here.

Smithers-based Singer-Songwriter Mark Perry is fired up to release his new album, Right Here, in a string of concerts throughout B.C. this spring and summer.

Perry’s album release concerts start in the Northwest this Friday, March 9 in Terrace, followed by concerts in Smithers on Saturday, March 10, Houston March 16, Burns Lake Apr. 21, Prince Rupert Apr. 28, and Kitimat Apr. 29.

He then heads down to Vancouver Island in August and over to Haida Gwaii for the Edge of the World Festival Aug. 10-12.

This is Mark’s 11th album since he started recording and performing two decades ago.

From climbing mountain peaks to floating the Skeena River to cheering on the Moricetown Cubs in a baseball game, Perry’s new album invites you on a thoughtful roadtrip through life in the Northwest.

“Somewhere along this songwriting journey, I started celebrating our own landscape and people,” said Perry. “I’m proud to say this album has the Pacific Northwest running right through it. We have an incredible, beautiful, soulful landscape and people to draw inspiration from.”

In talking about the creative output, Perry said “The songwriting is what I treasure most when I do a project. Does every song have something real, that you can grasp? I love that inward, outward search…”

Right Here was recorded in Whitehorse and Smithers with Jordy Walker (Old Cabin, Jordy Walker Music) and a circle of exquisitely-talented musicians including Tobin Frank (Spirit of the West), Rachelle van Zanten (RVZ), Ian Olmstead (Alex Cuba band), Mark Thibeault (Rayco Resophonics), mip (mip Power Trio), Kiri Daust and others. All of them are, or once were, authentically Smithereen (i.e. they live(d) “right here” in Smithers).

“I have a personal connection with all the players and singers on this project,” said Perry. “They all care and I believe brought something really special to this recording.”

In between working on trains and raising a family, Perry has made impressive forays into the performing world — starting in the 1990s when Canadian Folk legend Connie Kaldor invited him to tour with her.

Since then, he’s recorded with some of his favourite folk musicians including Roy Forbes (BIM), Shari Ulrich, and Steve Dawson. With his new album, Right Here, Mark and bandmates are fueled up and touring again with full force.

Haida Gwaii Observer