Meet local artists, photographers at The Arthouse on Saturday

Head to The Arthouse on Mill St. to hear the stories behind some of the featured artists’ works in Chilliwack on Dec. 10.

Head to The Arthouse on Mill St. to hear the stories behind some of the featured artists’ works and watch some of the techniques used to create them.

On Saturday, local artist Patricia Peters will be providing another live painting demo, and resident artist and Arthouse owner, Marko Jalava, will share with you stories that have inspired some of his profound and moving pieces.

Other local artists and photographers Steve Delamar, David Lee, Garth White and Kelly Grieves will be in attendance and will share the stories behind each of their images that are displayed at The Arthouse.

The meet and greet is free and runs from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 10.

Artists will personally sign any pieces that are sold during this gathering. If you are unable to attend, their work can be seen online at

The Arthouse on Mill St. is located at 2-9360 Mill St. in downtown Chilliwack.

Chilliwack Progress