Men share camaraderie, love of music

They are there for the joy of singing with other men, not to raise money.

They are there for the joy of singing with other men, not to raise money.

But the funds the Men’s Chorus earns from twice-yearly concerts go back to the community.

“We don’t need them so we donate the money in two $750 scholarships to Salmon Arm Secondary students whose primary or secondary interest is in fine arts after they graduate,” says chorus member Doug Leatherdale. “It’s usually about $2,500, money we have left over after paying for music and the other expenses.”

Leatherdale says the men’s chorus has been well supported by the Community Foundation and some local businesses.

“We have a van with a lovely set of risers and it makes it a lot easier to set up for concerts,” he says.

Leatherdale says the Christmas concert is in early December, is very popular and always sells out very quickly – as is the spring performance.

Chorus director Mary Landers chooses music for the group and comes up with what Leatherdale describes as a nice selection.

“Last spring, we were asked to record three songs for the Provincial Choir Festival and came second in the men’s category,” Leatherdale says, noting Landers was thrilled. “She is very accomplished, specially when she has to deal with 40 guys who are not all pointed in the same direction.”

Leatherdale encourages any man who likes to sing to show up to the first rehearsal, which takes place in the band room at the Jackson campus at 7 p.m., Oct. 7, or call Mary Landers at 250-832-2359.

No auditions are required – just the desire to sing with a bunch of men.



Salmon Arm Observer