Violist Miranda Hughes, bassist Alex Nichol, cellist Nadja Hall and cellist Jeff Faragher have been rehearsing at the L.V. Rogers band room for their upcoming performance of Handel's Messiah.

Violist Miranda Hughes, bassist Alex Nichol, cellist Nadja Hall and cellist Jeff Faragher have been rehearsing at the L.V. Rogers band room for their upcoming performance of Handel's Messiah.

Messianic melodies coming to the Capitol

The Nelson Choral Society and Selkirk Chamber Orchestra are preparing for performances of Handel’s Messiah on Dec. 12 and 13.

George Frideric Handel’s acclaimed orotoria Messiah is coming to the Capitol Theatre this month, and will feature solos from Noemi Kiss, Audrey Bisset, Kaden Forsberg and David Stewart.

“Don’t miss the opportunity to hear the music that brought a king to his feet, transformed a German immigrant into a British national hero and sparked a proliferation of choral societies throughout the United Kingdom and around the world in the course of the two and a half centuries since the Messiah’s first magical performance,” said Alex Nichol, who will be playing the bass.

Messiah is more than great music. It’s a transformative experience.”

The production is directed by Kathleen Neudorf of the Nelson Choral Society, and is a collaboration with concert master Wendy Herbison of the Selkirk Chamber Orchestra.

The show begins at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 12 and 2 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 13.

Violinists Emmi Matern and Fiona Burkholder.

Concert master Wendy Herbison, violinist Vic Neufeld and violinist Marine DenBok.

Violinists Martine DenBok, Gabriel Cretien and Keri Holmes.


Nelson Star