Mexico trip reignites love for music

NANAIMO – The Auliya Vicious Band performs at the Queen's on Monday (March 24)

It was a trip to Mexico that got the music started for Auliya Vicious.

“I didn’t have a lot of music in my life for a long time,” Vicious said. “I had a fairly life-changing event and I had a big chunk of time and my dad said ‘you can’t just sit around by yourself so come to Mexico with me.’ So, he bought me a ticket.”

While in Mexico, Vicious’ father took her to a bar that he had been frequenting where bar owner offered Vicious the opportunity to perform but only if she could change the strings on his broken guitar.

“I played for about two nights before I had to come back home and someone came up to me after I played and said they were really upset because they had missed most of my set and asked when I was playing again,” Vicious said. “I got so much encouragement.”

When Vicious returned home to Nanaimo she began performing at various bars and clubs, which eventually lead her to form the Auliya Vicious Band.

“All the sudden I just started going and playing at open mics in Nanaimo and it just sort of snowballed from there,” Vicious said.

On Monday (March 24) the Auliya Vicious Band will be performing at the Queen’s.

“I am just really hoping we can get a lot of people there because that’s one thing that has been difficult in Nanaimo, which is to get people to people to come out on a Monday night,” Vicious said. “I am not really that worried about it because we got a lot of really good friends playing with us and a lot of people joining us. It’s going to be a lot of fun.”

The Auliya Vicious Band is comprised of Mike Wilson, Jordan Becker, Nathan Bass, Jeffrey Randle and Vicious. “We all end up playing really well and understanding each other really well without making sense at all. It works really well,” she said.

The Nanaimo-based band is currently holding a continuous give-away contest on their Facebook page.

The contest includes prizes such as the band’s handmade album, Van Isle Live Vol. 3., which is not available in stores.

“Right now, every 25 likes our band page gets I will pick a random winner who will get a copy of this album Van Isle Live from 2013,” she said. “Basically what that is, is it has our very first single … it’s basically a collection of originals and cover tunes that we’ve performed over 2013.”

For more information, please visit

Nanaimo News Bulletin