Michael Rault will be playing the Wapiti Music Festival

Michael Rault will be playing the Wapiti Music Festival

Michael Rault will rock Wapiti

Rault will be in Fernie for the festival just on the heels of his second studio album release, Whirlpool.

Michael Rault is bringing his raw, rough sound to the Wapiti Music Festival.

The festival takes place August 10 and 11 at Annex Park in Fernie. Rault will be playing on Saturday afternoon, August 11.

Rault will be in Fernie for the festival just on the heels of his second studio album release, Whirlpool, which will be available on July 31 for free on the Internet. Those wishing to check out the album can visit www.michaelrault.com.

“We wanted more people to hear it. Originally they were intended to be demos but we really liked them so we decided to put them out,” said Rault, who’s originally from Edmonton but makes his home in Toronto.

Playing nearly every instrument on the record himself, Rault was completely invested in the production of the new album, creating something unique, captivating, and timeless.

“This is a fairly new thing to play drums on the album and almost every other instrument,” said Rault. “I was recording stuff on my own, so I didn’t have other people around most of the time. I was just practicing, trying to make these songs sound cool and it worked out well so we decided to put it out”

Rault, who plays guitar and sings, said he is very happy to be playing Wapiti and it should be a lot of fun. His band will feature Peter Hendrickson on drums, Patrick Michalak on bass, Emily Rault on drums and vocals, and Evan Uschenko on guitar.

Rault said he continues to draw inspiration from past musicians such as Little Walter, Lee Dorsey and Bo Diddley.

“I’m a big fan of Bo Diddley because of his raw, rhythmic approach to Rock and Roll. Little things like that sometimes influence what I’m trying to do.”

For Wapiti festival goers who have never heard Rault’s music, he said it is easy to describe.

“I just call it rock and roll. It is good music to dance too and a little rough around the edge. “

Being an independent musician in Canada is never easy, but Rault keeps on rocking.

“I don’t think I have any other options for what I’m going to do. This is the only thing I’m debatably good at,” said Rault. “It always is tough work being a working musician in Canada. Even if you are a big time band it is tough because of the big spaces in between cities. There is a lot of driving, a lot of hard work and not a lot money,” said Rault adding that the good reaction he gets from fans keeps him coming back.

Those wishing to volunteer during the weekend can sign up at the festival’s website, wapitimusicfestival.com. There will be a volunteer orientation August 1, 7 p.m. at The Arts Station in Fernie.

Volunteers will receive free passes as well as a free festival t-shirt.





The Free Press