Michaela Dickey comes home to conduct a music camp

Opera singer brings vocal camp to youth in 100 Mile House area

Youngster Mia Weir was singing on Birch Ave. on July 19, busking to raise money for an upcoming vocal music camp for youth.

Youngster Mia Weir was singing on Birch Ave. on July 19, busking to raise money for an upcoming vocal music camp for youth.

Summer camp takes a new twist when the Song Birds Vocal Music Camp comes to 100 Mile House, Aug. 26-30.

Opera singer Michaela Dickey, who grew up in 100 Mile House, is coming from Montreal to conduct the camp which is geared for youth aged 10-17.

It’s an intermediate level course which will focus on movement, diction, introduction to singing other languages and skill building.

Nicole Weir is helping to co-ordinate the camp, and says she’s excited to have Dickey return home to instruct the course.

She is so incredibly talented and fun. I know the kids are going to love her.

She is definitely an inspiration, having herself, come from 100 Mile and was able to follow her dreams and be successful in what she loves to do.”

On Aug. 31, there’s a public concert at 7 p.m. at the United Church, with admission by cash donation at the door.

As a way to lower camp costs, Nicole’s young daughter Mia Weir took to busking on Birch Avenue on July 19, singing solo for cash donations from passers-by.

The youngster was out there for more than four hours and says the money she raised will benefit all music camp registrants.

Nicole is taking registrations for the camp and she can be reached at 250-791-6345.




100 Mile House Free Press