The Mid-Island Community Development Co-op is holding a T-shirt design contest. The deadline is July 10. File Photo

The Mid-Island Community Development Co-op is holding a T-shirt design contest. The deadline is July 10. File Photo

Mid-Island Community Development Co-op hosts T-shirt design contest

Deadline to enter design contest is July 10

The Mid-Island Community Development Co-op is seeking creative design ideas to grace T-shirts.

The co-op is a non-profit community group that works to enhance the health and well-being of communities and youth. It’s mission is to “promote community development and well-being through active participation in community, caring for the land and nurturing a culture of creativity and support,” according to the group’s website.

Submitted designs must be original and must not contain copyrighted material. The organization is seeking designs that are “funky, stylish and unique,” according to its website.

The theme of the design is What is Community? Designs will be judged based on original style, effectiveness of the image to convey a message, simplicity, feasibility, originality and creativity and visual esthetic. Artwork will only be displayed on the front of the T-shirt. Designers may also include the organization’s logo in the design. If it isn’t included the group will add it to the design.

Participants must be 16 years or older. The winning artist will receive credit with their name or signature on the T-shirt and public recognition.

The contest deadline is 5 p.m. on July 10.

For details about the contest, including rules, visit

Nanaimo News Bulletin