Mikuska colours outside lines in new show

Chilliwack abstract artist, Vincent Mikuska, has his solo exhibition Colouring Outside the Lines at the Art Gallery until Dec. 3.

'Crumbling Edifice' by abstract artist, Vincent Mikuska, is part of his solo exhibition Colouring Outside the Lines at the Cultural Centre Art Gallery until Dec. 3.

'Crumbling Edifice' by abstract artist, Vincent Mikuska, is part of his solo exhibition Colouring Outside the Lines at the Cultural Centre Art Gallery until Dec. 3.

Local abstract artist, Vincent Mikuska, has his solo exhibition Colouring Outside the Lines at the Cultural Centre Art Gallery Oct. 28 to Dec. 3.

He has used hints and suggestions of landscape elements in his work to try and create an essence or experience of the landscape. There is a willingness to create associations between different elements of a visual experience — a world where line has poetic rhythm, colour a musical tone. Space can be hinted or defined.

“I try and find new patterns without concentrating on recreating the details of what I see,” he says.

The effect is to be a cumulative effect of looking, not a single stare but what happens as you visually interact with your surroundings over a given time, trying to get to the essence without the details.

Mikuska has exhibited extensively in many parts of Canada, including several venues in Chilliwack.

Gallery hours are Wednesdays to Saturdays from noon to 5 p.m., plus some evenings during performances at the Cultural Centre.

Chilliwack Progress