Mission actress Rebecah Vanderveen (left) is featured along with Gabriel Kirkley, Matthew Veenbass and Angela Tischer in The Importance of Being Ernest, on now at Theatre in the Country.

Mission actress Rebecah Vanderveen (left) is featured along with Gabriel Kirkley, Matthew Veenbass and Angela Tischer in The Importance of Being Ernest, on now at Theatre in the Country.

Mission actress featured in The Importance of Being Earnest

It’s the story of two bachelors who create alter egos named Ernest to escape their tiresome lives.

Mission actress Rebecah Vanderveen has taken a featured role of Gwendolyn in Oscar Wilde’s classic comedy, The Importance of Being Earnest, on now at Theatre in the Country.

The Importance of Being Earnest is the most renowned of Oscar Wilde’s comedies.

It’s the story of two bachelors, John ‘Jack’ Worthing and Algernon ‘Algy’ Moncrieff, who create alter egos named Ernest to escape their tiresome lives.

They attempt to win the hearts of two women who, conveniently, claim to only love men called Ernest.

The pair struggle to keep up with their own stories and become tangled in a tale of deception, disguise and misadventure.

The elaborate plot ridicules Victorian sensibilities with some of the best loved, and indeed bizarre, characters to be found on the modern stage.

To enjoy the roast beef buffet and see the classically trivial comedy for serious people call Theatre in the Country call 604-259-9737 or go to theatreinthecountry.com for reservations.

The show runs Feb. 18-20 at 7 p.m.



Mission City Record