Artist Monique Motut-Firth is holding a new solo exhibition, on now in the Rock Family Gallery at the Mission Arts Centre.

Artist Monique Motut-Firth is holding a new solo exhibition, on now in the Rock Family Gallery at the Mission Arts Centre.

Mission Arts Centre hosts new solo show

Monique Motut-Firth is a visual artist who lives and teaches in Vancouver.

How do we navigate social identity within a consumer culture?

That is the question artist Monique Motut-Firth is asking with her bold new solo exhibition, on now in the Rock Family Gallery at the Mission Arts Centre.

Motut-Firth answers this question in her artist statement for the exhibition:

“Mining an abundance of found and discarded print material for images, I link together new hybrid constructions of meaning, creating re-figurations of common visual vocabulary.

“I am imagining the colours and shapes pushing and pulling throughout my designs; it is as though the pressures and forces of fluids, gravity, momentum and steam are themselves at work. The resulting scrap-systems weave together different image cultures and eras, questioning the role of the image in knowledge production while mirroring the complexity of our current digital landscape.”

Motut-Firth is a visual artist who lives and teaches in Vancouver. She is a graduate of the master of applied arts program at the Emily Carr University of Art and Design. The Contemporary Art Society of Vancouver recently nominated her as one of five finalists for the Emerging Artist Prize of 2016.

The exhibit runs in the Rock Family Gallery at the Mission Arts Centre (33529 First Ave.) from now until March 25.

More information is available at


Mission City Record