Nelson-Creston MLA Michelle Mungall (left) will play the judge in the upcoming production of Chicago. She poses here with Sydney Black, who plays Velma Kelly.

Nelson-Creston MLA Michelle Mungall (left) will play the judge in the upcoming production of Chicago. She poses here with Sydney Black, who plays Velma Kelly.

MLA appears in Chicago

Michelle Mungall will play a judge in the Capitol Theatre's upcoming production.

Michelle Mungall has three lines in the upcoming production of Chicago, which necessitated memorizing 21 words total.

“I’m like Judge Judy but better,” said the Nelson-Creston MLA, who has been acting in local productions for years. She added that she also has “mean air guitar skills.”

Mungall said she was attracted to the script of Chicago because it takes place during the era when women were just starting to rise up from repression and take charge of their own destinies. She said her personal hero from that era was women’s rights activist Emily Murphy.

Mungall often finds political angles in her theatre work. She has delivered one of the Vagina Mologues, appeared in a satirical play about Proposition 8 and acted as the MC for an event called Five Feminist Minutes.

“I did this impression of Michelle Bachman, and basically over the course of the sketch she goes from being this horrible right-winger to becoming a strong, Kootenay woman. That’s what the Kootenays does to you,” she said.

Mungall said she was thrilled to be included in the cast, and is looking forward to sharing the stage with such a talented cast and crew.

“My favourite line is `sustained’,” said Mungall, with a laugh. “These are serious, important lines.”

She said she’s thrilled that her role, which typically goes to a male cast member, was given to her.

“This is a more progressive Chicago we’re doing,” she said.

Chicago opens runs until Sunday, June 15. A limited number of tickets are still available at the Capitol Theatre box office, online at or by phone at 250-352-6363


Nelson Star