Victoria's Compassion Gorilla played the Waverley Friday night.

Victoria's Compassion Gorilla played the Waverley Friday night.

Monkeying around at the Waverley with Compassion Gorilla

Compassion Gorilla brings together diverse and exciting musical traditions and presents them through a unique Cascadian lens.

Compassion Gorilla brings together diverse and exciting musical traditions and presents them through a unique Cascadian lens.

The  Victoria, B.C. group will bring its distinctly West Coast sound to The Waverley Hotel, Friday Sept. 9.

Infused with elements of Latin, African, Balkan, and North American folk music, Compassion Gorilla combines tight, eclectic instrumental arrangements with songs and story-telling. This powerhouse will liberate feet and catapult audiences into whole-hearted dance entrancement, making for an engaging show that is fun for all ages and leaves the audience wanting more.

Compassion Gorilla’s travels have taken them to festival stages across the Pacific Northwest, including highlights at the Victoria International Jazz Festival, Starbelly Jam, Robson Valley Music Festival, Folk Life Northwest, Juan de Fuca Festival, Victoria Ska Festival, Bella Coola Music Festival, Campbell Bay Music Festival, and Kispiox Valley Music Festival.  They also spent a long stretch of 2013 touring in Mexico, playing more than 50 shows in four months and coming home with a new album under their belts. “Colibríes en Vuelo” features songs written and arranged on this journey, and the opening song, “La Polizia” was nominated for two Vancouver Island Music Awards in 2014.

Tickets are $10, available in advance at the hotel, as well as at the door. Doors open at 9:30 p.m. Show starts at 10.

Comox Valley Record