Muir Gallery to host author

The Muir Gallery will host author Anneli Purchase on May 7 at 7 p.m. to launch her third book, Julia’s Violinist.

The Muir Gallery will host author Anneli Purchase on May 7 at 7 p.m. to launch her third book, Julia’s Violinist.

From The Wind Weeps set in the wilds of the B.C. coast, to Orion’s Gift set in Baja, Vancouver Island author Anneli Purchase now takes us to postwar Europe with Julia’s Violinist.

Imagine yourself growing up in a rural town, expecting a normal, happy life, when war shatters all your hopes and dreams.

You are 32 and widowed with two small children. Like thousands of your fellow Sudetenlanders, you’ve been driven out of your country and strangers have taken your home and all your possessions.

You survive their brutal lust for revenge for Hitler’s mistreatment of them, survive the harsh conditions of refugee camps, survive disease and starvation. All you want is a return to the contented days of the past.

But it is not to be.

Once transported across the German border, you try to pick up the pieces of your shattered life and remarry, perhaps more for security than for love.

You’ve just begun the arduous task of rebuilding your life in war-torn Germany, when the young man you loved more than 20 years ago writes to tell you he has been searching everywhere for you. He still loves you and wants you to come to him.

Such is Julia’s dilemma when her husband hands her the letter with the Canadian postmark.

What would you do?

Read Julia’s Violinist and see the world through Julia’s eyes.

Come to the Muir Gallery on May 7 at 7 p.m. to meet the author and to get your copy of Julia’s Violinist.

Purchase’s books The Wind Weeps, Orion’s Gift and Julia’s Violinist can be found on all Amazon sites for paperback and Kindle versions.

Locally, all three books are available in Courtenay at Laughing Oyster Book Shop, Blue Heron Books, and in Bowser at Salish Sea Market. In Chapters, Nanaimo, they are available in the local authors section.

Visit Anneli’s author page on to see all her books. Her novels are also available in all e-book formats at

Laughing Oyster will also host a book signing on May 26 from 1 to 3 p.m.

— Anneli Purchase

Comox Valley Record