The Sooke Region Museum is seeking beachy things for an art display.

The Sooke Region Museum is seeking beachy things for an art display.

Museum seeking beachy things

A new exhibit at the Sooke Region Museum to feature 'beach' art

The Sooke Region Museum’s temporary summer exhibit is titled Beach Day at the Sooke Region Museum, and they are looking for your found treasures.

The theme revolves around what visitors and members of our community see and do at our beaches in the Sooke Region. Curated by Brianna Shambrook, she conceived the exhibit when reflecting on her time as a student at John Muir elementary. They used to have Beach Days at Aylard farm playing in the sand and looking at tide pools.

The topics that will be covered in the exhibit are:


• Explanations on how some of our beaches were formed and also information on tides and currents

• Human and Natural History

• First Nations

• The culture of people who lived on the beach

• Surfing

• Beachcombing


For display, they are looking for objects people have found while beach combing the region’s beaches. Objects that have drifted here from the Japanese tsunami are especially wanted. Specific objects Shambrooks would like to see include beach wood furniture, small surf boards, beach glass art and art made from materials found on the beach. These objects will be on display for the duration of the exhibit and will be returned at the end.

This is Brianna Shambrook’s third exhibit here at the Sooke Region Museum. She also curated last year’s summer exhibit Sooke: Connections to Royalty on the Royal Jubilee and the new permanent Maritime Exhibit. Also being revealed at Open House is their renovated exhibit on T’Sou-ke and Pacheedaht Chiefs curated by Shambrook and Jessica Hill.

If anyone would like to share their stories or get additional information on any of these topics they can contact Shambrook at the museum at


The exhibit opens at their annual Open House event June 23 and closes September 6.

Sooke News Mirror