Music lessons suit aspiring rock stars

Headliners School of Performing Arts offers 10-week course for musicians looking to take their career to the next level.

Beginning on Jan. 29, Headliners School of Performing Arts is offering a 10-week music course and is looking for both male and female musicians ages 12-17 who want to learn to play in a band and perform two live shows. Students will learn cover tunes and prepare for two live performances.

Students will receive lessons from some of the finest musicians in Nanaimo, including Todd Sacerty, from Johnny Cash tribute band Big River, and Scott Brown, from Trooper.

Students must have basic playing skills and basic chord and note knowledge. Those who participate will be taught the importance of stage presence and performance techniques. Students will be required to bring their instruments, tuners, drumsticks, picks and guitar straps. Headliners is looking for vocalists, guitar and bass players, drummers, and key/piano players.

Prospective students need a positive attitude and a willingness to learn. Headliners are specifically looking for musicians whose genre is punk, hard rock, rock ā€˜nā€™ roll, blues, pop and metal.

This program is open for 15 prospective students on a first-come, first-serve basis. Tuition costs $385 for 10 weeks plus final concert. To register call 250-585-1811 or e-mail

Nanaimo News Bulletin