Mysterious artwork pops up around Sooke

'Art Bomber' plants mysterious artwork around Sooke

Art is, without doubt, a mysterious part of human nature. Whether it flows from the deep and dormant subconscious mind, or from the soul, it comes out in different forms; albeit sometimes in bizarre forms, but unique nonetheless.

Ah yes, unique. That, at least, is one explanation for an odd spree of art that has hit the centre of Sooke over the course of the last two weeks – by someone dubbed the Art Bomber.

At first, a radish popped up one day at the farmer’s market, chuckled Debi Anderson, co-owner of Barking Dog Studio, the only Sookie who took notice of the strange artwork.

Or, more accurately, the artwork took notice of her.

“I got a note on my door a couple of weeks ago saying that mysterious art was going to appear,” Anderson said. “Nobody said anything about it, or noticed it, but I did.”

Then, last Thursday night, between midnight and 8 a.m. two more pieces appeared.

Anderson said the artwork created such a buzz in the area that people thought she was the Art Bomber, though that’s not the case — she laughed that if she’d be the one doing it and reporting on it, there wouldn’t be much of a mystery.

Whoever the Art Bomber is though, one thing’s for sure: they’re not going to stop anytime soon.

“I’m very excited about it, I think it’s fantastic, because it’s not graffiti, and it can be removed if someone wants to take it down,” Anderson said, noting that all the pieces appear to be installed either by rope or wire, making them non-permanent.

The radish, the carrot and the flower are made out of canvas, and they’re wired together.

At this point, there’s still no indication on where the art pieces are coming from or when they pop up, as their sporadic nature of appearing randomly don’t dictate a pattern.



Sooke News Mirror