Julie Bevan is leaving her position as Nanaimo Art Gallery executive director. (Nanaimo Art Gallery Facebook photo)

Julie Bevan is leaving her position as Nanaimo Art Gallery executive director. (Nanaimo Art Gallery Facebook photo)

Nanaimo Art Gallery executive director leaving position for job with the city

Julie Bevan to become Nanaimo's first manager of culture and special events

After seven years with the Nanaimo Art Gallery, executive director Julie Bevan is leaving her post to become the city’s first manager of culture and special events.

The NAG made the announcement today in a press release, noting that the change comes this spring, with Bevan ending her tenure at the gallery in February and joining the city in March.

“As I depart, what I’m most proud of, is the gallery’s thoughtful and open-hearted team, the organizational culture we’ve brought into being, and how we’ve nurtured relationships with a big circle of people in Nanaimo and far beyond,” Bevan said in a press release. “It’s been a privilege and a luxury to have a hand in creating this unique context for art, for dreaming and exploring big ideas, for advancing new understandings, and creating connection.”

NAG board president Debra Jacklin said the gallery is a better place thanks to Bevan’s leadership.

“Her strategic vision for the gallery and her ability to inspire and challenge the community with art has created a vision that will carry the gallery forward to future success,” she said in a press release. “It is with deep gratitude for her contributions that we wish her the best in her next role.”

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