Nanaimo painter Eileen Williamson presents ‘A Little of This….A Little of That’ at Art 10 Gallery until the end of May. (Josef Jacobson/News Bulletin)

Nanaimo artist unveils new body of work after rediscovering motivation

Eileen Williamson presents 'A Little of This … A Little of That' at Art 10 Gallery

Eileen Williamson struggled to find the motivation to paint during the COVID-19 pandemic, but after viewing artist workshop videos online the Nanaimo artist found herself moved to return to the easel.

“I started revisiting a lot of the stuff that I had been doing, either working on it again or starting something new or applying information that I had learned to newer work now and updating old stuff,” Williamson said.

She also started bringing her paints with her on trips to local parks. Williamson said there’s a greater connection when she’s in a place she’s painting.

“I find that works as a better reference because it’s more personal,” she said. “I can remember what it felt like to be there.”

Throughout May Williamson is showing those paintings and more in her new exhibition ‘A Little of This … A Little of That’ at Art 10 Gallery. Aside from landscapes, the show includes wildlife paintings and a street scene.

She decided to call that body of work A Little of This … A Little of That, “because it really was like pick and choose and play with this and have fun with that and see where it goes from there.”

WHAT’S ON … A Little of This … A Little of That at Art 10 Gallery, Nanaimo North Town Centre, until the end of May.

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Nanaimo News Bulletin