Brett Bourcier, left, guitarist, drummer Brett Attig and Kaylie Russell, lead singer and bass player, for the Distributors perform during the group’s video shoot.

Brett Bourcier, left, guitarist, drummer Brett Attig and Kaylie Russell, lead singer and bass player, for the Distributors perform during the group’s video shoot.

Nanaimo band the Distributors release debut music video

NANAIMO - The Nanaimo band the Distributors release debut music video for song Die By The Knife.

The Distributors are hoping to go viral.

The Nanaimo band recently released its debut music video for the single Die By The Knife.

“We wanted a music video for our fans,” said Brett Bourcier, guitarist for the Distributors.

Kaylie Russell, bass player and lead singer for the band, said people expect the video to be negative because of the song’s title, but that’s not the case.

“It paints a picture that is open to interpretation,” said Bourcier.

Russell was inspired to write the lyrics because of her work at a youth centre with at-risk youths.

“I wanted to write about some of the struggles they faced,” she said. “It doesn’t matter where you come from or what family life is like … you control your destiny or future.”

Russell said it’s about living life to the fullest and not backing down.

The song was a collaborative effort.

“I just started with the opening riff and we went from there,” said Bourcier.  “Kaylie and I were just collaborating and it came together really quickly.”

The band created the video with money collected through a GoFundMe campaign.

“It couldn’t have happened without those people who helped us,” said Russell. “That was super cool. We were able to pay for the whole thing with just funding from them (campaign supporters).”

Bourcier said fans have been really supportive of the band’s projects.

The video was filmed by Matt Gladman of Keywork Designs at the old Walker’s Sawshop location on Jingle Pot Road, with permission from the owner.

“The place had been gutted so we just went in there and made our set and filmed it,” said Bourcier. “We just wanted a good live kind of performance – no plot or anything crazy …,”

The band experimented with new sounds for the song Die By The Knife. Russell said it still has a rock ’n’ roll vibe, but it has more of a beat that is popular in pop music.

Newer members to the band include drummer Brett Attig and Tom Morris, guitarist and vocalist.

Russell said the adding more members allows the band to expand its sound.

“It’s the difference between colouring with four crayons and a million crayons,” said Russell about adding more members.

The Distributors perform at the Nanaimo Bar Oct. 7 at 9:30 p.m. Admission is $5.

The band performs with David Bitonti, Jayden Holman and Hope King at the Dinghy Dock Pub Oct. 19. Doors open at 7 p.m.

Tickets are $20 in advance, which includes  round-trip ferry rides, and are available from the pub or

For more information about the band, please go to

Nanaimo News Bulletin